What are the main Facebook Ads metrics?

Whenever we start a campaign on Facebook Ads, we have defined objectives – meaning we can improve customer conversion, sales, and other areas of our business. However, without knowing what the main Facebook Ads metrics are, it’s more challenging to understand the actual results of our investment.

It’s extremely important, in addition to knowing how to set up a paid traffic campaign, to know how to interpret the data that the platform provides as the ads run. This makes it easier to make the necessary adjustments to refine the process and also to determine what worked and should continue.

Want to learn more about the main Facebook Ads metrics and what they represent in a marketing campaign? Join us in this article!

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What are the main Facebook Ads metrics?

The Facebook Ads platform provides various metrics through reports, charts, and even on the ad setup screen. However, some metrics are more significant for your results, directly impacting the growth of your business.

Therefore, it’s extremely important to learn more about these metrics – including which ones are the most relevant and why they are so important for a successful marketing campaign. Let’s understand a bit about them and their application in Facebook Ads.

Discover the 5 main Facebook Ads metrics

The Facebook Ads dashboard.


The frequency metric is related to the number of times a particular ad appears in the user’s timeline. Analyzing this metric is ideal for refining ongoing campaigns or improving your company’s remarketing campaigns – it is also very useful for companies that target a niche audience. This way, you can make sure that you are really reaching the right audience, right?

With proper monitoring, the frequency metric also helps prevent the ad from appearing too many times to the same person. Irritating a user can lower your relevance score, which can harm your campaigns.


Relevance, on the other hand, is the metric that measures the quality of your ad; user reactions directly influence this data. So, if your ad appears too often to someone, leading them to click “hide ad” or “don’t want to see this”, your relevance score drops significantly.

The relevance score of an ad is measured from 1 to 10, based on the negative or positive feedback provided by users. This feedback does not need to be direct; it can also be actions such as app installations, sign-ups, viewing an entire video, and more.

However, negative feedback can be what we mentioned at the beginning of this topic – when a user clicks “don’t want to see this” – indicating to Facebook that the ad is either not relevant or bothersome to some people.

CPR (Cost Per Result)

This is undoubtedly one of the key Facebook Ads metrics. It shows how much you are paying and investing in each conversion. Therefore, it allows you to know how much each of your results costs.

This enables you to optimize future campaigns, along with other provided data, in search of ways to make better use of your money and reduce costs. The results used to calculate this cost can include clicks, likes, custom conversions, add-to-cart clicks, page views, and more.

CPC (Cost Per Click)

Like cost per result, cost per click is very important for optimizing your campaigns. Unlike the metric mentioned above, CPC measures the cost or investment for each click received on your ad, as the click is the first action for further interaction with your business.

To calculate the cost per click, simply divide the total cost of your campaign (provided by Facebook Ads) by the number of clicks. The lower the cost, the better for your budget. Thus, by analyzing the provided data, you can optimize the costs for future campaigns.

CTR (Click-Through Rate)

This is another very important metric, directly related to CPC, the cost per click. CTR indicates the attractiveness of your campaigns and the level of activity and interaction users have with the ads. This metric provides the percentage of people who click and interact with your website or ad after seeing it.

With this data, it becomes easier to understand how effective the campaigns are for business growth. It also helps optimize the costs of future campaigns and make your ads more attractive to users and potential customers!

An important note is that if you notice that your cost per click is high, it’s a sign that you need to closely examine your click-through rate. However, if your CTR is low, it may indicate that your creatives are not attractive enough to your target audience.

Read as well: Google Ads x Facebook Ads – What’s the best option?

Get professional help with marketing strategies for Facebook ads

We invite you to a brand-new world of profits – and we can help you with anything marketing-related during this process.

As a digital marketing agency specializing in small and medium businesses, Laços provides the right team for all your needs on this front. In fact, you can schedule a free meeting with us right now – and you’ll leave the reunion with a vast overview of what your company requires, the first steps to creating lucrative strategies, and how to optimize your current online activities.

Speak to our agents today and leave all the hard work to specialists!


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