10 reasons why email marketing is so important

We all know the deal: the ever-evolving landscape of digital communication seems to change overnight, each time with new trends and strategies. However, despite how instant messaging systems have become, email remains a steadfast and indispensable social tool that has withstood the test of time against all means. That said, as much as it remains a powerhouse, consistently delivering results and maintaining its relevance, why is email marketing so important to this day when there are better opportunities around?

In this article, we will delve into the world of email marketing, exploring what it is, presenting ten compelling reasons why it is vital for your business, and discussing why email will never fade away.

Read also: How to create a visual brand identity in 2023

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending targeted and personalized emails to a group of recipients, generally clients, with the aim of nurturing relationships, building brand awareness, and driving desired actions.

These emails can vary in content and are often used for:

  • Promotions and offers – sharing discounts, sales, and special deals with your subscribers;
  • Newsletters – providing industry updates, company news, or curated content to keep subscribers informed;
  • Product updates – introducing new products or highlighting existing ones with images and descriptions;
  • Educational content – offering how-to guides, tutorials, or tips related to your products or services;
  • Event invitations – promoting webinars, workshops, conferences, or other events;
  • Customer surveys and feedback – collecting valuable insights from your audience to improve your offerings;
  • Abandoned-cart reminders – encouraging customers to complete their purchases by reminding them of items left in their cart;
  • Welcome emails – greeting new subscribers and introducing them to your brand and products;
  • Personalized recommendations – suggesting products or content based on individual preferences and behaviors;
  • Transactional emails – confirming orders, providing shipping updates, and delivering receipts.

Notice how we said “subscribers” and not “members” or “clients”. This is because nobody likes spam in their inbox, so any marketing-related email conversation should be a mutual agreement – meaning that before you start sending mail after mail, it’s legally mandatory that you notify them of a “cancel-anytime” button (more on this later).

10 reasons why email marketing is so important

Out of all the benefits we can list, ten of them stick out from the rest due to how simple, yet practical, they are. It’s very easy to understand: when you have an expensive database at your disposal, you can exploit the information of your clients (in this case, the email address) to your advantage, sending them custom content that is sure to please them one way or another.


One of the most significant advantages of email marketing is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to traditional marketing channels like print and television, sending emails incurs minimal expenses, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. Everyone has an email address, after all.

High ROI

Email marketing consistently delivers an impressive return on investment (ROI). According to statistics, for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average ROI is $42, making it an incredibly lucrative tool for businesses.

Expensive targeted audience

Email marketing allows you to segment your audience based on various criteria, such as demographics, behaviors, and preferences. This precision enables you to tailor your messages to specific groups, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.


Custom emails perform significantly better than generic ones. Email marketing platforms enable you to customize the content, addressing recipients by their names and offering tailored recommendations or promotions.


Automation streamlines repetitive tasks, such as sending welcome emails, birthday greetings, or abandoned cart reminders – saving time and ensuring timely communication with your audience.

Measurable results

With the right software and tools, email marketing provides detailed metrics to track the performance of your campaigns. You can monitor open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more, allowing you to make data-driven improvements.

Global reach

Email knows no geographical boundaries – it enables you to connect with a global audience, making it an essential tool for businesses seeking to expand their reach beyond local markets.

Engagement and retention

Regularly engaging with your audience through email helps build trust and loyalty. Email newsletters, product updates, and exclusive offers keep customers informed and involved.

Drive conversions

Emails are powerful tools for driving conversions. Whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or downloading an e-book, they can prompt recipients to take desired actions.


This type of marketing integrates seamlessly with other digital marketing strategies, such as social media, content marketing, and SEO. It complements these efforts, creating a cohesive and effective marketing ecosystem.

Why email will never die as a business practice

So, amidst the constant evolution of communication channels and technologies, why is email marketing so important? Well, it stands as an enduring and indispensable business practice due to several key factors.

Firstly, accessibility plays a pivotal role. Almost everyone possesses an email address, making it a universally accessible means of communication. This universality ensures that businesses can reach a broad and diverse audience, regardless of their demographic or location.

Secondly, email is synonymous with formality and professionalism, continuing to be a preferred medium for business interactions with customers, partners, and clients. In an era of instant messaging and social media, email retains its reputation as a channel for more serious and official communication. Very ironic when you think about it!

Furthermore, as mentioned before, email marketing can be executed in compliance with data privacy regulations. This aspect is crucial in an age where data protection is a top concern for individuals and businesses alike. By adhering to privacy laws and respecting customer preferences, this strategy demonstrates a commitment to ethical and responsible communication.

User control is another significant advantage of email. It empowers recipients by giving them control over their inboxes, meaning that subscribers can (and should) effortlessly opt in or out, allowing them to manage their communication preferences effectively. This control fosters a sense of trust and respect between businesses and their audience.

But how does email marketing differ from SMS?

Email and SMS (Short Message Service) are both powerful tools in the realm of digital marketing, but they differ significantly in their approach, reach, and engagement. Email marketing is generally more cost-effective, though, as sending emails incurs minimal expenses compared to sending SMS messages, which may have associated per-message fees.

Nevertheless, below are the key distinctions between these two communication channels:

Communication medium

Email marketing primarily relies on electronic mail as the communication medium. It involves sending personalized messages, newsletters, promotions, and updates to a recipient’s email inbox. Emails can be text-based or contain rich multimedia content, making them versatile for various marketing purposes.

SMS marketing, on the other hand, leverages text messages sent directly to a recipient’s mobile phone. SMS messages are typically short and concise, limited to 160 characters per message – this brevity is both a limitation and a strength, as it ensures that SMS messages are succinct and to the point.

Reach and delivery

Email marketing enjoys a broader reach as it relies on an internet connection and email client. It can target a global audience and is accessible via smartphones, tablets, and computers. However, email deliverability can be affected by spam filters, and emails may end up in spam folders.

SMS marketing has a near-perfect delivery rate. Text messages are delivered directly to recipients’ mobile phones, ensuring that the message is seen. Therefore, SMS is particularly effective for reaching audiences in real time or for time-sensitive promotions.

Engagement and response rate

Email marketing typically has a higher engagement period, with recipients often taking their time to read and respond to emails. Email campaigns may require several touchpoints to achieve desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

SMS marketing boasts a higher open and response rate due to the immediacy of text messages. Most text messages are opened within minutes of receipt, thus making SMS an excellent choice for time-critical offers or event reminders.

Get professional help with marketing strategies for businesses

As a digital marketing agency specializing in small and medium businesses, Laços provides the right team for all your needs on this front. In fact, you can schedule a free meeting with us right now – and you’ll leave the reunion with a vast overview of what your company requires, the first steps to creating lucrative strategies, and how to optimize your current online activities with email marketing (and much more).

Speak to our agents today and leave all the hard work to specialists!


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